sreda, 22. julij 2009

In še nekaj nenovoletnih.

No ja sredi poletja res ne morm delat samo novoletne čestitke :)
Je nastalno še par rojstnodnevnih.

Uff kako je vroče.

Jest pa se hladim ob zimskih voščilnicah.
In ker sem končno dočala težko pričakovani dopust, ga izkoriščam za ustvarjanje. No, to ne pomeni, da cel dan "visim" za mizo, ker sta ob meni še dva navihana mulčka, recimo da si v celem dnevu utrgam ene 3 urce zase.

Tole je nastalo v preteklih dneh:

Mislim, da opis ni potreben, saj kake tople vode glih nisem odkrivala.

sobota, 11. julij 2009

Journey to 1000 starts today

Entry Title: Win $1,000 at!

I have just discovered that The Cuttlebug Spot is having a contest - "The Journey to 1,000"! They are trying to reach 1,000 followers by the end of July and need your help. To enter all you have to do is go to their site, sign up as follower and complete a few easy steps and you could win a $1,000 gift certificate to Custom Crops (! GO NOW and check it out at